International Students: Attending Pomona College

皇冠体育学院很高兴地欢迎12%的学生来自美国以外的国家. 皇冠体育学院国际学生服务办公室在这里为您提供有关签证,移民身份和福利方面的帮助和建议,同时注册您的学术课程.

To make your transition to college life in the U.S. easier, all new students are matched with a mentor from the International Student Mentoring Program (ISMP). ISMP是皇冠体育学院学生主导的指导计划,将新的国际学生与回国的国际学生配对. 与您的ISMP导师交谈是回答所有这些小问题以帮助您适应新环境的好方法.

想了解更多关于在美国上大学的信息,请访问美国大学网站.S. Department of State Study and Exchange website (or Education USA), the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Study in the States website. 有关出席皇冠体育学院或其他克莱蒙特学院之一的更详细信息, contact the Pomona College International Student Advisor.


How do I get an F-1 student visa?

After being admitted to Pomona College, and providing some additional documents, you will receive an I-20, Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status, 关于如何在最近的美国领事馆申请F-1签证的说明.S. Embassy or consulate.


I-20's are typically emailed in April. 被录取的学生一旦拿到I-20就可以申请F-1签证.

What is SEVIS and what is the SEVIS fee?

SEVIS是学生和交流访问者信息系统的缩写, 这是一个移民数据库,用于跟踪学生和学者在美国逗留期间的情况. SEVIS费用,也称为I-901费用,是美国政府强制要求的费用.S. government to fund and maintain the database. 申请F-1签证时,您需要出示SEVIS费用收据. 当您的国际学生顾问将您的I-20邮件发送给您时,您将收到有关支付费用的说明. Do not pay until you get this email.

Is the SEVIS fee the same as the visa fee?

No. SEVIS的费用支付给国土安全部,用于资助SEVIS数据库. 学生通常只需支付一次费用,除非他们已经离开美国.S. 在学习期间超过五个月或因违反身份规定而申请恢复学生身份的. The "visa" fee is paid to the U.S. Department of State to fund the processing of visas. Both fees have to be paid before you can apply for the visa.  Each student is responsible for paying their own SEVIS fee.  Information about visa fees can be found on U.S. consulate websites.


F-1学生签证适用于参加任何学术水平的学术和/或语言课程的非移民学生. M-1签证适用于参加职业课程的学生. J-1签证是为访问学者和其他来美国的人准备的.S. for temporary purposes. 在皇冠体育学院注册的学生收到I-20申请F-1签证. 如果您需要关于语言居民J-1签证的信息, research scholars, consultants, professors, etc. please visit our Oldenborg Center website.)

I-20表格(非移民身份资格证书)是一份美国签证.S. 皇冠体育学院在你被录取后发给你的政府文件. I-20允许您支付I-901学生和交流访问者信息系统费用(I-901 fee) and apply for the F-1 visa. 学生必须在整个学习期间以及在学术课程之后的任何实践培训期间持有有效的I-20.

The I-94, Admission and Departure Record, is issued by U.S. 海关和边境保护局向进入美国的个人提供逗留期间的文件, required date of departure and their status while in the U.S.

Upon entering the U.S., 每个访客都是根据入境签证的类型和访问目的进行分类的. Students coming to the U.S. on an F-1 visa are granted F-1 status upon entry. Students must comply with F-1 regulations while in the U.S. 保持合法身份,并有资格享受F-1学生的所有福利.

If I enroll at Pomona College, must I take a full course load?

是的,作为F-1学生,你必须在每个常规学期保持全日制注册. At schools that use either semester hours or quarter hours, 本科水平的学生每学期必须至少修满12个学分, but 15 hours per semester is normal enrollment. At schools like Pomona College, 哪一种采用课程学分制,至少需要三个完整的课程学分, but four full course credits is normal full-time enrollment.

If you are unable to maintain full-time enrollment, 与你的学术顾问和国际学生顾问讨论你的担忧.

Will I be able to work while going to school?

所有持有有效F-1签证的F-1学生每周可以在校园内工作20小时. No official work permission is required. 你可以在学校正式放假期间在校园里全职工作. 请注意,皇冠体育学院在学年期间将校园就业限制为12小时.

校外工作需要获得国际学生顾问和/或美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)的授权。. In most cases, off-campus employment must be related to your field of study, 并且只能在全日制入学一学年(两个学期)后进行. See International Student Employment in the U.S.

Do I need to have a U.S. Social Security Number while I am going to school in the U.S.?

上学不需要社会安全号码, but you will need to get one if you are offered employment. See International Student Employment in the U.S. 你的国际学生指导老师会在迎新会上讨论这个问题.

What happens after I graduate?

你的I-20将有一个结束日期,显示你预计完成学业的日期. After that date, you can remain in the U.S. no more than 60 days. If you need additional time to complete your degree at Pomona, 在I-20的截止日期之前联系ISA获取信息.

See Optional Practical Training for information on working in the U.S. after graduation. If you plan to enroll at another U.S. school the next semester after leaving Pomona, 有关将SEVIS记录转移到新学校的信息,请联系ISA.

I'm a U.S. citizen but grew up abroad. Does Pomona consider me an international student?

虽然你可能不会面临其他国家公民可能面临的一些文书障碍, 皇冠体育学院确实认为你是国际学生,我们为你提供支持. 您将获得ISMP(国际学生指导计划)导师,并被邀请参加国际学生培训.