剧院部门 for 克莱蒙特学院






研究性能, 设计与技术, 剧院历史 and 戏剧文学, 运动的物体.

Through a synthesis of body, 思想与精神, theatre 学生 engage great works of 戏剧文学 both in the classroom and in production. The curriculum includes 表演, 设计与技术, 剧院历史 and literature, 运动, 社区参与.

The 皇冠体育大学 Department of Theatre serves as the theatre program for all five undergraduate 克莱蒙特 Colleges, 现在ing four major productions each year in the modern 西维尔剧院 Complex.

学生 from all 克莱蒙特学院, majors and non-majors alike, serve as performers 和生产 personnel. The department also co-sponsors a dynamic season of student-generated productions.

主修和辅修, 或者作为感兴趣的学生, you’ll devise creative solutions to complex problems, and develop interpersonal skills and savvy inherent in the collaborative artistic process—qualities that prepare you for a wide range of careers, as well as further study on either the graduate or professional levels.

Many department graduates have become successful members of the professional community as actors, 舞者, 设计师和技术人员, 生产商, 作家, 剧作家, teachers and administrators.

查看我们的 Instagram! 和我们的 Linktree!


Department Mission Statement

The 皇冠体育大学 Department of Theatre embodies the goals of liberal arts education by exposing 学生 to 戏剧文学 and diverse 表演 and 设计 methods. Through a synthesis of body, 心, 和精神, theatre excites the imagination and address global issues of concern. Rooted in the values of creativity, 激情, 快乐与合作, 学生, 教师, and 工作人员 are committed to and excited about creating meaningful, 有关, and inspiring works of art both in the classroom and in production.

Theatre studies exposes 学生 to a variety of skills, 上下文, and perspectives that deepen their understanding of the creative process. Our approach prepares 学生 to imaginatively collaborate and to utilize what they learn - from critical theory to embodied praxis – in order to produce various results in any environment.

Learning Outcomes Include:

  • The ability to ethically describe, 分析, 解释, 评估文本, 表演, 和生产.
  • Competence in one or more theatre specializations: dramaturgy, 剧院历史, 戏剧文学, 设计, 技术, 剧本创作, 导演, 设计, 应用剧院, stage management and 表演.
  • A foundational understanding of generative, collaborative and equitable production processes.
  • 发展的能力, articulate and support informed judgments, and to write clearly and conceptually about 表演.
  • A breadth of historical knowledge and an understanding of theatre's use and impact in the world

Commitment to The Black Lives Matter Movement

We commit to answer the call set by the Black Lives Matters 运动 and our colleagues in the Department of Africana Studies to implement and sustain “substantive, 重要的, and measurable programs that address anti-Blackness.“为了做到这一点, we are implementing diversity, 股本, and inclusivity training for 教师, 工作人员, 和学生. As we embark on this much belated process of dismantling white supremacy, we express our deep apologies to those who have been injured by our ignorance and commit to critical self-reflection in the interest of creating a radically healthier and thriving community.


The 皇冠体育大学 Department of Theatre is situated on the unceded, ancestral homelands of the Gabrielino Tongva peoples.

We recognize and 荣誉 the past, 现在, 未来的长者, and stewards of these original homelands. This acknowledgment takes care to also 荣誉 the myriad cultures, 语言, and traditions of all Indigenous Peoples and First Nations – those that are still being practiced, and those that were forcefully taken, 摧毁了, and otherwise harmed by direct colonization and settler colonialism.

This acknowledgment is the first step in carrying out our moral imperative to continue supporting, building relationships with, 放大声音, 历史, and rights of all First Nations and Indigenous Peoples. We have much to learn from the rightful communities of these lands. Learn more about the Gabrielino Tongva Tribe, 土著主权, and land stewardship by investigating some 5C-based programs, 资源, and initiatives which include the Indigenous Peer Mentor Program, 本地项目, and the Tongva Living History Garden, which is within walking distance from the Pitzer College campus.

我们需要保护, 荣誉, and celebrate the history and ongoing legacy of the Peoples of the land on which we stand. This has always been, and always will be, Indigenous land.


The 皇冠体育大学 Department of Theatre is committed to the health and safety of all 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 及特邀艺术家.

Please note that health and safety measures are subject to change at the discretion of 皇冠体育大学 based on evolving health and safety guidance and protocols.

For 皇冠体育大学’s latest information on COVID-19, visit the College’s COVID-19 website.