
Board for Academic Discipline

This board hears the cases involving violations of the College's Academic Honesty Policy, 委员会由七名从教员申诉委员会和学术程序委员会选出的教员和七名从学生事务委员会选出的学生组成, the Academic Affairs Commissioner, and the Judiciary Council. For more details see Academic Honesty Policy 在手册中.

Ad Hoc Committee on Social Responsibility

The Committee started about 20 years ago, when there was great concern regarding corporations doing business in South Africa. 那, 当然, is no longer its focus; rather, the committee now focuses on a variety of social issues associated with the environment, human and animal rights, working conditions in underdeveloped countries, 反歧视行动, 等. The issues are very diverse. The Committee is made up of three faculty, three 学生, and two staff 成员. 它就学院收到的包含社会问题的代理(作为各种公司的股东)应如何投票向校长提出建议. By voting on proxies, the owners of corporations express their opinion on issues facing the corporation. 皇冠体育 is a stock owner in several corporations in which its endowment is invested.

皇冠体育/Financial 援助 Committee

Two seniors, one man and one woman, are appointed to the 皇冠体育/Financial 援助 Committee. 学生委员是委员会的正式成员,并协助皇冠体育办主任选择入学新生和转学生, in overseeing general and specific guidelines for admission, and in reading certain admission applications. The Committee also discusses financial aid problems and provides input to the Director. Members of the 皇冠体育/Financial 援助 Committee are the Dean of 皇冠体育, faculty representatives, 一个教职员工, 还有两个学生. The Dean of 学生 and the Director of Financial 援助 sit on the Committee as non-voting, 当然的 成员.

校友 Association Committees

校友会, the governing body of the 校友 Association, has several committees that are involved in a variety of cooperative activities with 学生. They are the 校友 Weekend Committee, the Career Development Committee, and the 校友 Fund Committee. The 校友 Weekend Volunteer Committee helps plan and staff 校友 Weekend. The Career Development Committee mobilizes resources that will aid 学生 and alumni, such as the 校友 Career Advisor Program and on-campus, student-alumni career conferences. 校友基金委员会策划筹款活动,例如“皇冠体育thons”,并鼓励校友社区提供支持. 学生 who contact the 校友 Office will be placed on committees according to their interests. The 校友 Association is always looking for creative people, and 学生 are welcome to sign up at any time.

Academic Procedures Committee

The 成员 of this committee include three 教员, the Dean of 学生, 两个学生, 及司法常务官. 学术程序委员会的主要职能是考虑学生对学院通过的学术条例的例外申请. 证明例外存在的主要标准是学生无法控制的情况. Petition forms may be obtained in 注册主任's Office. A petition requires the signature of the student's advisor and, where the matter concerns them, of the instructor in a course as well as germane corroborating materials. Comments from those signing the petition are encouraged. 教师 成员 are invited to comment on the petition forms or in separate memos. 学生事务主任或学术事务专员将很乐意与正在考虑提交请愿书的学生交谈.

Examples of the kinds of requests which are handled by the Academic Procedures Committee are:

  1. 当然过载
  2. Cross registration variances
  3. General education requirement variances
  4. Registration changes after deadlines
  5. 不完整的成绩
  6. Final exam time changes.

委员会在进行审议时,假设学院的学术规则和条例通常应该得到遵守. When considering exceptions, the Committee attempts to be both "consistent" (i.e., to apply uniform standards) and "flexible" (i.e., to give personal attention and respond to individual circumstances). Petitions should include all relevant information clearly and concisely described. The Committee cannot fill in missing information; it is the student's responsibility to present the case fully. Arguments which amount to a fundamental disagreement with a regulation should be avoided.

学院只负责在个别情况下对条例作出例外规定. Normally, petitions must be submitted 48 hours in advance of a Committee meeting. Results of the Committee's action are sent by 注册主任 to the student via e-mail. Until notification of the committee's decision is received, a student should take no action affecting his or her status in a course. 任何对请愿书有疑问的学生都可以与学生主任讨论这些问题. The Dean is prepared to advise a student before his or her petition is submitted, 或在申请被拒绝后,进一步解释委员会的行动或学生可以采取的其他选择. Other 成员 of the Committee, including the student 成员, are also available for consultation.

ASPC Budget Committee

Budget Committee This committee is chaired by the Vice President and consists of the President, the North Campus Representative, and the South Campus Representative. 史密斯校园中心的副主任担任参议院的财务顾问,是预算委员会的无投票权成员. When elections precede annual budget hearings, the President-elect and the Vice President-elect are also non-voting 成员 of this committee. The Committee distributes allocations from the ASPC fees to clubs and organizations. During the academic year, requests for more than $1,000, 或在本委员会中票数相等的情况下提出的请求,连同一项或一组具体建议提交参议院. During the second semester of every year, this committee recommends to the Senate a general budget for ASPC for the following year. The Senate ratifies the annual budget no later than May first.

Committee for Campus Life and Activities, CCLA

CCLA is the programming board of 皇冠体育大学. Chaired by the Campus 事件 commissioner, CCLA is responsible for providing social, cultural and co-curricular activities for the 皇冠体育大学 community. Subcommittees of CCLA are based on the types of events presented. Subcommittees for the 2006-2007 year are: Annual 事件 (responsible for SYR, 哈伍德万圣节, 冬季之舞, 微笑80, and the Spring Formal), Special 事件 ("The OC" Screenings, 工艺天, 等.), Themed Parties, Films, Live Arts (concerts, spoken word, 等.), Table Manners, and Off-Campus 事件 (trips to LA, Sports 事件, 等.). 有兴趣组织活动并为校园社会生活做出贡献的学生应通过ASPC办公室与校园活动专员联系.

Community Affairs Committee  

该委员会由社区事务专员担任主席,并由北校区代表组成, the South Campus Representative, and five at-large 学生 to be appointed by the Senate in the Fall. The Community Affairs Committee coordinates volunteer programs, works with the volunteer center, and brings speakers to campus for the purpose of heightening community awareness. Each committee member has a specific project.


合作社委员会由副总统担任主席,由参议院的两名额外成员和喷泉和商店的总经理组成. The Campus Center Director is a non-voting member of this committee. 该委员会促进企业与参议院之间的沟通,并为企业制定政策. This committee meets monthly throughout the school year, with additional meetings arranged and convened by the Chair as necessary.

Environmental Quality Committee  

该委员会由环境事务专员或由参议院批准的指定专员担任主席. 它由回收行动委员会的一名代表和参议院将于春季任命的四名普通学生组成, and additional 学生 who may be appointed by the Senate in the Fall at the discretion of the chair. 该委员会负责管理回收计划和其他它或参议院认为重要的环境项目. 另外, this committee informs the Senate how their projects, 资金, and legislation might affect the environment.


This Committee is convened by the South Campus Senator. It consists of representatives from each residence hall, the Director of Dining Services and the Deans or Associate Dean of 学生. 食品委员会每两周召开一次会议,讨论食堂,并对学院餐饮计划的变化提出建议.

Student-教师 Interaction Committee  

该委员会由学术事务专员担任主席,他可以选择邀请一名教师担任总顾问. The Senate appoints the at-large 成员 of this committee in the spring, and may appoint additional 成员 in the fall at the discretion of the Academic Affairs Commissioner. This committee plans, 促进, and funds activities which encourage interaction between 学生 and faculty.

任何计划举办派对或任何形式的师生互动社交活动的人都可以向委员会申请资金. Academic matters may be included in these events, but they are not necessary. The committee is overseen by the Academic Affairs Committee of the ASPC Senate. 联系 the ASPC Office for information.

Student Media Committee  

This committee shall oversee staff appointments, approve policy and budgets, and serve as a steering body for all ASPC-funded media. 具体地说, this committee shall recommend appointment for Senate approval for the following positions: The Student Life Editor-in-Chief (semester); KSPC Program Manager and Music Manager (annual); the Digital Media and Programming Group Lead Developer (annual); POSA Director (annual).

Curriculum Committee  

委员会由学院副院长兼院长及一名副院长组成, six 教员, 注册主任, 还有三个学生. The curriculum of the College is the responsibility of the faculty as a whole, but the faculty has delegated to the Curriculum Committee three particular tasks. The Committee is responsible for the general oversight of academic policy and long-range planning. 委员会与各学系及各科共同负责检讨通识教育的要求, to see ways and means for the improvement of the general education offered by the College, and to recommend changes in the general education curriculum to the faculty. The Curriculum Committee is also charged with the responsibility for evaluating new courses, proposals for new majors and other curricular changes and making recommendations thereon to the faculty.

Orientation/Book Selection Committee  

迎新委员会在学生主任的指导下,计划和实施新生迎新活动,并选择一年级的书籍, Coordinator of the Critical Inquiry Seminar Program, 教职员工. Three 学生 serve on this committee.

Public 事件 Committee  

This committee funds and organizes some of 皇冠体育's most significant public events. Committee 成员 include faculty representatives, 学生, the Director of Music Programming, the Director of the 皇冠体育大学 Museum of Art, the Director of Public Affairs, the Director of the Smith Campus Center, and the Dean of 学生. Four 学生 serve on this committee.

Residence Hall Committee  

The Residence Hall Committee is convened by the North Campus Senator. Its 成员hip includes a representative from each of the residence halls, the Housing Director and the Dean or Associate Dean of 学生. 宿舍委员会定期开会讨论房间抽签程序,并提出改进建议. 除了, this committee decides on the numbers and location of friendship suites and substance free housing.

Student Affairs Committee  

The Student Affairs Committee is charged with making policy to govern student life at 皇冠体育. 它根据需要修改学生司法法典,并编写和修订其他大学政策,包括涉及毒品的政策, 酒精, 学术诚实, among others in the area of student affairs. The 成员hip consists of a faculty chair, the Dean of 学生, the Dean of Campus Life, 2名教职员工, and 5 student representatives drawn from the ASPC Senate.

Study Abroad Committee  

该委员会决定有关海外教育的政策,并对学生的海外留学申请采取行动. Members include the Director of Study Abroad, the Dean or Associate Dean of 学生, 注册主任, the Director of the Oldenborg Center, 教员, 还有两个学生. 委员会的两名学生委员必须有海外留学经历,并对国际研究感兴趣, International Relations, 和/或语言.


The 妇女委员会 is comprised of 教员, 对改善克莱蒙特社区女性生活质量和性格感兴趣的管理人员和学生. The Commission sponsors the annual Phebe Estelle Spalding lecture, meets with prospective women 教员, and administers the President's Prize in Women's Studies among its various responsibilities.